Risk Analysis

Risk profiling

Please answer all the questions by circling one of the options. Choose the option that best indicates how you feel
about each question. If none of the options is exactly right for you, choose the option that is closest

1.What is your age group?
2.Investment Goal can be defined as?
3.What is your occupation?
4.What is yours Yearly Income Range?
5.What is yours Trading Amount?
6.What is your Preferred Trading Pattern?
7.What is your total trading experience?
8.You are quite experience with?
9.What percentage of monthly income is allocated to all EMI?
10.Approx Value of assets held like property, FD,Shares, Mutual Fund etc?
11.Count of financially dependents person on you ?
12.What is your experience with Commodity Trading ?
13.What is your experience with Forex Trading ?
14.What is your experience with Equity Trading ?
15.When market is not performing well, do you prefer risky trades and low risky trades ?
16.What is the size of your emergency fund ?
17.Your risk tolerance capacity, in terms of loss in your investment amount which You can bear ?